Welcome to the world of alcohol !!! This is my first part of Bottle photography. Stay tuned – will update with more brands 😉
It’s my Library – dont worry its growing 🙂
A drink a day keeps the shrink away.
Reality is an illusion that occurs due to lack of alcohol. Come on..take medicine 🙂
I don’t have a drinking problem. I drink. I get drunk. I fall down, no problem.
Beer Brothers : Beauty lies in the hands of the beer holder
When life gives you lemons, find someone with a bottle of vodka, throw a party, and for goodness sake invite ME!
Everybody should believe in something — I believe I’ll have another drink.
Hmmm….which one to select
Need more funny quotes? Check out our Tribute to beer post !

March 18, 2011 at 4:08 am
all are empty this is not far.. yar..
March 18, 2011 at 4:34 am
ha ha 🙂